Everything about the event industry and why companies turn to the services of event agencies?

The event industry is a collection of projects and companies engaged in the professional organization of holidays with elements of entertainment and serious public events. Like any business, it has its own specifics and is divided into two types: entertainment and business. In the first case, companies hold various celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, parties according to pre-created scenarios with balloons, funny quizzes, raffles and fireworks.
The business event industry involves the preparation of meetings with business partners or investors, holding briefings and round tables, negotiations, promotions, and other events. In both cases, the companies take care of renting premises, inviting participants, catering and other issues.
What is an event agency?
Many people know what the event industry is, but not everyone understands what event agencies do. Any holiday, corporate or business meeting with business partners can be held independently or you can ask for help from professionals. If the company does not have a specialist who knows how to organize such events, a lot of time and effort will have to be spent on their preparation. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the event will be successful, because the number of questions and tasks will grow like a snowball. As a result, the performer will start hysteria, panic and headache, and the boss will remain dissatisfied. Therefore, it is better to trust professionals.
Event agency is a company that organizes any kind of events: entertainment, solemn, business. You should turn to professionals because:
Experienced employees work in such a structure, each of whom is responsible for solving certain tasks: preparing a script, finding a suitable room, drawing up a menu, and quality service.
Each event agency has its own base of contractors, lessors, screenwriters, production and creative teams with whom it works.
The company’s managers constantly monitor everything that can cause the preparation of the event.
It is enough for the company that contacted the agency to formulate the topic, specify the date, agree on the format and budget. The rest will be done “from scratch” by professional performers.

Services of event agencies: everything for an unforgettable holiday
Today, the focus of services provided by event agencies has changed. Traditional corporate parties with drinks and discos have been replaced by the organization of corporate events benefiting the employees of the client company. The main trends of the event industry are particularly relevant:
Quests These include entertainment, tournaments and interactive games in the office or in a specially equipped room designed according to a certain concept. Interesting quests in urban locations or in nature.
Team building. This is the organization of corporate holidays based on team games, psychological and educational trainings, which are conducted to unite employees into a team united by a common goal.
Business trips to creative seminars, educational trainings, scientific conferences, meetings with business partners.
Conducting thematic master classes that allow you to unite the team and dilute the mental load with a creative component. It can be painting umbrellas or ceramic tiles, creating paintings from spices or decorative panels with a surprise.
Sport. Sports competitions are a common practice in many companies. They can be held in the form of a relay race or sports competition in various disciplines.
Event agency services include:
development of the concept and format of the event;
selection, rental and registration of the venue;
entertainment part of the program;
technical support;
cleaning services.
Events organized at the request of clients are carried out within the agreed fixed budget. They last from 1 to 4 days and are financed by the customer. The contractors are:
companies providing premises, light and sound equipment for rent;
transport companies;
printing plants providing printing of advertising booklets and production of decorations;
digital agencies;
creative teams, artists and show programs.

Why should you contact an event agency?
Organizing a holiday is not as easy as it seems at first glance. In addition to the date and occasion, you need to choose a venue, choose a menu and make a list of guests, come up with entertainment taking into account the age of the guests and their preferences. Young people are bored singing songs of past years, and older people will not enjoy playing hide-and-seek or completing quests. Therefore, it is important to think over the concept of the holiday and choose the person responsible for its implementation.
Event agency services are necessary when:
the event is designed for the participation of more than 100 invited guests, since it is very difficult to independently manage the logistics of such a large number of people;
deadlines are pushed, and there is not enough time for high-quality preparation of the event;

you need to come up with and implement a creative concept for a party or corporate party, complement the event with original chips, floristry or performances by artists;
the event cannot be failed and must be held at a high level (meetings with business partners or investors, landmark events for the firm’s clients);
the event must be held with a limited budget.